(3-0 Preston North End)42¹ | A shot from WRIGHT seemed a certain goal but BOND managed to force the ball away. |
1² | JOHNSON receives a yellow card by the referee. |
6² | HYAM's shot was well saved by the Preston North End 'keeper. |
6² | A good effort from MARIO SUÁREZ scraped the upright. |
9² | ZÁRATE ran onto a great ball from BROWNE but toe-poked his shot wide of the goal. |
14² | A tame strike from SÉRGIO trickled agonisingly wide. |
19² | RENATO NETO beat BARRAGÁN and whacked the ball to GARNER who blasted his shot wide. |
21² | ZÁRATE booked for gamesmanship. |
23² | MARIO SUÁREZ touched the ball through a ruck of players but the 'keeper was a match for it as he dived to his right. |
25² | GOAL!! A shot from ZÁRATE deflected off the shins of KNUDSEN and flew past the helpless Ipswich Town 'keeper and over the line. (4-0 Preston North End)30² | The ref books GARNER for dangerous play against VARNEY. | 37² | VARNEY dribbled past WRIGHT and rattled a tame shot into the crowd. | |