0¹ | The referee yellow cards MASON for a high challenge. |
2¹ | TRÉMOULINAS cautioned by the referee. |
4¹ | MARTIN's shot was well held by the Hull City 'keeper. |
8¹ | A free-kick from CAMPBELL floated wide. |
19¹ | A cross from CAIRNEY left JONES in lots of space but he scuffed his shot. |
22¹ | JONES floated the ball to KACANIKLIC who touched it over the bar. |
23¹ | CAMPBELL headed over. |
24¹ | MARTIN stroked an easy chance past the near post. |
29¹ | MARTIN touched the ball through a crowd of players but the Hull City 'keeper was a match for it as he dived to his right. |
38¹ | KACANIKLIC's shot beat McGREGOR but rebounded off the Hull City post. |
41¹ | The Fulham 'keeper was able to claw away a wicked effort. |
2² | The Hull City 'keeper saved a swerving shot from KACANIKLIC. |
2² | A thirty yard shot from DEMBÉLÉ caused McGREGOR little difficulty. |
5² | A right foot effort from MAYADA was stopped by the 'keeper. |
9² | KACANIKLIC snapped at an easy chance. |
13² | KEANE galloped through the Fulham defence but shot straight at the Fulham 'keeper. |
20² | A penalty box scramble resulted in KACANIKLIC driving a low shot wide. |
21² | TRÉMOULINAS beat four Hull City players and drove a golden opportunity wide. |
29² | A shot from BEREZUTSKY was booted off the line by TRÉMOULINAS. |
31² | The 'keeper was able to claw away a tame shot from CAMPBELL. |
35² | A header by TRÉMOULINAS at the far post was easily collected by McGREGOR. |
41² | MASON brought the ball away from JONES and rattled a weak shot into the crowd. |