(2-0 Watford)36¹ | ZAROURY fluffed a simple chance. |
41¹ | ZAROURY blasted a right foot shot over from thirty yards out. |
45¹ | A poor shot from JOĆO PEDRO rolled agonisingly wide. |
4² | JOĆO PEDRO headed the ball wide from just outside the area. |
9² | MANAJ ran onto a great ball from LOUZA but toe-poked his shot wide of the lefthand post. |
10² | CORNELL was able to block a tame shot from ASSOMBALONGA. |
14² | HUGHES played the ball to JOĆO PEDRO who forced it over the bar. |
17² | TONI was put clear by HUGHES and he turned RADU but rammed his shot just beyond the far post. |
25² | A penalty box scramble resulted in HAUSE cracking a low shot wide. |
26² | SPRINGETT beat POLLOCK and fired the ball to POTTS who fired his shot wide. |
30² | HAUSE headed wide. |
31² | HUGHES beat two Preston North End players and fired a golden opportunity over the bar. |
33² | GOAL!! A great ball from POTTS left HUGHES in the clear, he made RADU commit himself before knocking the ball to RIIS to score. (2-1 Watford)39² | GOAL!! A goalmouth scramble culminated with HAUSE firing the ball into the net. (3-1 Watford)40² | An outswinging corner was fired into the arms of the Watford 'keeper by RIIS. | 41² | A free-kick from ADEYEMO raced over the bar. | 43² | A good ball from HUGHES on the right bobbled toward MANAJ who scuffed his shot over. | | |