0¹ | The ref yellow cards WILKINSON for dangerous play against ANTHONY. |
7¹ | An exceptional shot from McLEAN was dealt with by a fine parry from MURIC. |
8¹ | WILDIN receives a yellow card by the referee for a clumsy tackle. |
10¹ | A good effort from ANTHONY scraped the top of the crossbar. |
17¹ | HANLEY beat a number of Stevenage players and drove a shot inches over. |
19¹ | The 'keeper dived to his left to save an accurate shot from Walsall's McLEAN. |
22¹ | COLLINS booted the ball wide of the righthand post from just inside the area. |
30¹ | IDAH waltzed round TAYLOR and stroked a tame shot over. |
31¹ | A looping shot from REEVES was pushed round the post by OKOYE. |
33¹ | A shot from TAYLOR seemed a certain goal but the Stevenage 'keeper managed to punch the ball away. |
39¹ | McLEAN ran onto a great ball from ALLAN but fired his shot wide of the goal. |
41¹ | McLEAN whacked a right foot shot wide from just outside the area. |
43¹ | A penalty box meleé resulted in TAYLOR tapping a low shot over. |
44¹ | GOAL!! A twenty yard free-kick was cleverly fired into the net by McLEAN. (1-0 Walsall)3² | IDAH was put clear by COLLINS and he pulled away from the 'keeper but rammed his shot over. | 13² | ANTHONY stormed through the Walsall defence but shot straight at OKOYE. | 14² | The 'keeper saved a clever shot from WILKINSON. | 16² | A free-kick from ANTHONY raced over. | 18² | McLEAN made space on the left and touched the ball to TAYLOR who clipped the ball over. | 23² | ALLAN stabbed an easy chance past the lefthand post. | 30² | ANTHONY's shot beat the 'keeper but rebounded off the Walsall crossbar. | 36² | A accurate pass fell to McLEAN and his looping shot flew narrowly wide. | |